Henry’s day 2

Well last nite we arrived late so we ate in the restaurant and came back to the boat.  Today we are going into town a rather surprizing town for the size.


This is what we woke to in the morning.




Now I ‘m not sure if these are pelequins or not but there were at least 100’s of them on the shore across from where we are parked.


Now all we see are turkey vultures.


We walked to the local Hardware store and picked up a couple of things John wanted as well as myself a coffee grinder so maybe if I get the beans we can have coffee.  By the way this was the best Hardware store so antique but great.



You take the ladder to the items on the top shelf but it is all named as to what you want in the store




By the way this is the rock face we are tied to.




This was one of the houses abandoned in town.  It really is trying to keep and as a town I really liked the town.


This was the hydro pole we locked into.  Everything was fun here.



Now we went to the bar and had a drink after supper and just wanted to greet the newbys on the dock doing the loop.  These people started out day 2 from Heritage Marine, so John was talking to them while I came back to the boat.  Considering this is day 2 for them they have more to follow.

Talk tomorrow I hope Love ya all.  Kids be good



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